Triaden Shopping Center
Triaden Shopping Center is a project we at Anko have been a part of for 4 years, on behalf of Stø Entreprenør. The shopping center has been expanded by approximately 12,500 square meters, in addition, a multi-purpose hall the size of two handball courts, a new parking garage, and a park located on top of the parking garage and the multi-purpose hall have been built.
Hva ble gjort?
During the rehabilitation of the existing building, we were tasked with mapping the existing load-bearing structure of the building. The client wanted to know if there were columns or concrete walls that they could retain when they started to demolish. Therefore, it was important for the client that both the placement and dimensions were mapped accurately. Consequently, we had to conduct polygonal traverses inside the center to establish benchmarks of good quality.
Challenges during the coronavirus
The work of mapping Triaden was challenging as it had to be done inside an open center during the Coronavirus pandemic. We mostly had to work at times when there were not so many customers at the center, both to maintain distance and to not get too much in the way of stressed Christmas shoppers.
Through good routines, the right equipment, and skilled professionals, the work could finally be completed, and Triaden received the information they needed for the demolition work to be carried out.